At first glance, gender differences are alien to freelance. There is no need to apply physical strength here, everyone is equal in front of the laptop. But in reality, the situation is not so clear.
The freelance market in Russia continues to develop rapidly, the pandemic of coronavirus played an important role in this. According to experts, for the first half of 2020, the market increased by an average of 30%.
Most often they work on freelance: journalists, copywriters, marketer, IT specialists of various profiles, designers, video editors, photographers, translators. In all these areas, the ratio of men and women is about 55% by 45%. But the differences in the conditions of work and relations with the customer sometimes observe striking.
Does the floor have a value?
In the IT field, engineering, photos and videos are dominated. But in the field of copy, translations, marketing and advertising of women, twice as much as men. In the field of design, the ratio equal.
According to research, when selecting a photographer, a layoutor or programmer, customers will almost always choose a man;designer, translator, marketer or copywriter – woman. Customers confidently give the first place for diplomacy and creativity to the ladies. This happens in many ways because women are more sociable and strive to hear, to understand the customer as much as possible.
Gentlemen prefer performers
According to statistics, women-freelance women fulfill more orders than men. Psychology also plays a role here. Men prefer to work for one customer or a solid project, during communication with the customer they are less likely to bend, dictate their conditions, more assertive.
Women often take many different small orders, are more loyal, more calmly related to editors, try to fulfill the wishes of customers as much as possible, agree to give a discount or bargain. Empathy inherent in women plays a role.
Interesting observation: 70% of male customers prefer to work with women-freelance women, almost 80% of female customers hire remote male workers. The reasons, again, lie in the field of psychology.
Women subconsciously trust men more. For men, communication and the role of a leader are easier with representatives of the opposite sex. Also, women-freelance women are more productive: they devote more than 50% of their time to work, men are a little more than 40%.
The journalist feeds his legs, freelancer – confidence
Basically, the difference in freelancer salary is affected by: quality of work, experience and confidence. Beginners traditionally underestimate the cost of services, this is especially characteristic of women. Men initially try to take a high bar. And more often than women, respond to a task, which requires the skills that are missing, believing that in the process they will learn everything necessary.
Freelance women can pay less only because they themselves initially underestimated the amount of the fee. As a rule, women are more critical to themselves and evaluate their own skills worse than they really are.
Also, freelance ladies can name the lower cost because they subconsciously think that this will increase their chances of getting an order. Of course, there are spheres where freelancers of a certain gender earn more. For women, this is copywriting, marketing and SEO. For men – accounting services, photos, videos and IT.
Who to live well on freelance?
Friners male are more likely to experience stress. With any simple and slightest hint of customer outflow, representatives of the stronger sex at the subconscious level cease to feel like miners, winners. Psychologically, they need to achieve a result, a sense of excitement from solving the problem during work.
Also in society there is still a stereotype that men choose freelance in order to escape from «real labor». Which does not add positive to remote male workers. Women compensate for the lack of orders by housework, self -care and communication. Also, thanks to freelance, they are more likely to experience pride and sense of self -realization.
Freelancers work more than their colleagues in
the office. 90% work at night, especially female freelanceers and IT specialists of both sexes. Therefore, burnout syndrome among remote workers is not uncommon, both in men and women.
We can say that competent specialists are most successful on freelance, capable of qualitatively fulfilling the task and organize their working hours. The demanded freelancer always has a circle of regular customers who appreciate his professionalism. And the floor does not matter here.
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